News-Old (Page 10)

To protect the health and safety of our employees and community member’s, Hydro One is hosting a virtual information session that will include both a livestream presentation and telephone conference. By joining, you will have an opportunity to learn more about the project and the draft ToR, as well as ask live questions to members of our project team.Read More

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry have notified Red Sky Métis Independent Nation (RSMIN) that they will issue a Land Use Permit (LUP) for the attached sites for the purpose of a temporary bear or moose hunt camp if the outfitter applies for it. (Click on read more the the rest of the information and Map)Read More

To vote head to Community Events on the left hand side of the home page and find the tab that says 2020 Colouring Contest. There are circles at the bottom of each picture click on the circle you want to vote for and at the end of that age category click on vote. That will record your vote for that age group, then move on to the next one. Once you have clicked on vote you can not change your vote. You can also only vote once from a single device. Have fun while voting and enjoy all the greatRead More

The Waasigan Transmission Line between Thunder Bay, Atikokan and Dryden will provide additional electrical capacity to northwestern Ontario. If you are interested in the training modules for Environmental Assessment Preparation and Review or Natural Environmental, Field Studies and Monitoring please fill in the form below before the May 31, 2020.Read More

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), Lake Nipigon Forest Management Inc. (LNFMI) and the Nipigon East Area Local Citizens’ Committee (LCC) invite you to an information centre. This information centre is being held as part of the detailed planning of operations for the ten-year period of the 2021 – 2031 Forest Management Plan (FMP) for the Nipigon East portion of the Lake Nipigon Forest.Read More

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is planning to replace 3 structural culverts on Highway 588 and Highway 595 located in the Township of O’Connor and the Township of Gillies (please refer to the location map below)Read More

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), Resolute FP Canada Inc. and the Dog River-Matawin Local Citizens Committee (LCC) invite you to an information centre. This information centre is being held as part of the detailed planning operations for the 10-year period of the 2021-2031 Forest Management Plan (FMP) for the Dog River-Matawin Forest. Given the current COVID-19 health crisis the in person Information Centres for Stage 3- Proposed Operation for the Dog River Matawin 2021-2031 Forest Management Plan will no longer be taking place. In response to the inability to view information in person, a website hasRead More