News (Page 3)

The Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines Natural Resources and Forestry (NDMNRF) has approved of aerial herbicide spray in the White River, Pic, Kenogami and Nagagami Forests to control competing vegetation. This spraying will start on or about August 2, 2022, please click on “Read More” for the maps that outline the targeted areas being sprayed.Read More

The Community Consultation Representative will participate in the environmental consultation related to the evaluation of mine permitting and other consultation projects submitted by various proponents. The CCR will be responsible for evaluating the potential impacts to the Red Sky Métis Independent Nation (RSMIN) community, located within the Robinson Superior Treaty 1850 territory. For full details on this job posting please click on “Read More”.Read More

Since 2004, Indspire has provided over $153 million in financial support through more than 49,000 bursaries, scholarships and awards to First Nations, Inuit and Métis students. All Building Brighter Futures donations are matched by the Government of Canada allowing us to be double the impact for students. For a complete listing of Building Brighter Futures Supports, please visit Applications opens on May 1, 2022 so if you are looking for post secondary school funding please check out their website.Read More

RSMIN is looking for a Mineral Development Adviser (MDA) to work in the Thunder Bay office. The MDA will participate in the collection and evaluation of mine permitting and mining related information provided from mining proponents, and to assist committees in reaching their objectives including and not limited to: determining aboriginal and treaty rights that may be adversely affected by proposed mineral exploration activities; impacts and mitigation; and reporting and drafting responses for council. If you would like to know more information regarding this job posting please click on “Read More” for full details.Read More

RSMIN citizens who are interested in the 2023-2033 Wabadowgang Noopming FMP Stage 3: Proposed Operations can view the information presentation below by clicking on the “Read More”. If you have any questions that you would like answered please reach out to RSMIN Forest Management Liaison Prashant Kanwar at or contact him by phone at (807)252-8416.Read More

RSMIN’s Chief and Council have been working on designing a flag that represents us the citizens of Red Sky Métis Independent Nation for just over a year. We hope you like what you see and feel proud to fly one as one of our RSMIN citizens. For the full design thought behind the flag click on “Read More” The flag design represents our unique heritage. The Canoe, Beaver pellet, Gun and Paddle represents our traditional way of life as Trappers and Hunters. The 84 represents that we are the descendants of the 84 half breeds that were mentioned by RobinsonRead More

If you will be hunting or in the area, please note the signs posted on the road for your safety in that area. Commence exploration activities program will begin on November 17, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact Mineral Development Advisor at or call (807) 623-4635 ext.210.Read More