
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) invites you to inspect the planned herbicide project for the 2023 season. As part of their ongoing efforts to regenerate and protect Ontario’s forests. Annual Work Schedules (AWS) describes forest operations such as road construction, maintenance and decommissioning, forestry aggregate pits, harvest, site preparation, tree planting and tending that are scheduled to occur during the year. For a full list of forest units and details in English and French click on “Read More”Read More

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) have approved aerial herbicide spraying as part of their ongoing efforts to regenerate and protect Ontario’s forests. The Selected stands on the Black Spruce, Dog River-Matawin and Lakehead Forests will be sprayed with herbicide to control competing vegetation, Starting on or about August 1, 2022. Click on “Read More” for the map.Read More

The Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines Natural Resources and Forestry (NDMNRF) has approved of aerial herbicide spray in the White River, Pic, Kenogami and Nagagami Forests to control competing vegetation. This spraying will start on or about August 2, 2022, please click on “Read More” for the maps that outline the targeted areas being sprayed.Read More

RSMIN citizens who are interested in the 2023-2033 Wabadowgang Noopming FMP Stage 3: Proposed Operations can view the information presentation below by clicking on the “Read More”. If you have any questions that you would like answered please reach out to RSMIN Forest Management Liaison Prashant Kanwar at or contact him by phone at (807)252-8416.Read More

What is Black Ash and why is it endangered? Black Ash is a medium-sized, shade-intolerant hardwood tree species that occurs on moist to wet sites such as swamps, bogs, and riparian areas. While Black Ash is still relatively common throughout Ontario, declines are based on significant damage and death that has occurred in areas affected by Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). Black ash is classified as endangered in Ontario based on projected declines in the total number of individuals of greater than 70% over the next 100 years (2 generations). Currently, 53% of the Ontario range is considered susceptible to EAB,Read More

We would like to learn more about the type of fish people are eating from the areas listed below. How much they are eating and how often. The information collected in this survey will remain confidential and will be used to help guide decisions on the status of the Thunder Bay, Jackfish Bay, Spanish Harbour and Peninsula Harbour Areas of Concern or Area’s in Recovery, and to improve the provincial Guide to Eating Ontario Fish. The information is being gathered by Red Sky Métis Independent Nation for the Remedial Action Plan team (Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, MinistryRead More