East-West Tie Transmission Project

Project Details:

The Project will consist of the installation of a double-circuit 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line generally paralleling the existing double-circuit 230 kV transmission corridor (the existing East-West Tie) connecting the Wawa Transformer Station (TS) to the Lakehead TS near Thunder Bay, with a connection approximately mid-way at the Marathon TS. The Reference Route primarily parallels the existing East-West Tie and is approximately 447 km long. Alternative Routes, which do not parallel the existing East-West Tie, have been identified to avoid certain sensitive features crossed by the existing line and could result in a line that is longer than 447 km. The proposed right-of-way for the Project is expected to be approximately 52 m to 56 m in width however additional space may be required where there are angles in the route, for crossings of the existing East-West Tie right-of-way (or other high voltage lines in the area), for general construction access, for temporary working space and laydown areas, access roads, and where the landscape requires additional lands for access (i.e., in areas with steep slopes or other challenging terrain).

The Project is required to ensure the long-term reliability of the electricity supply in northwestern Ontario (the Northwest). Industrial activities in the Northwest, particularly in the mining sector, are expected to drive strong electricity demand growth in the coming decade. Coupled with changes to the electricity supply in the area, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) (formerly the Ontario Power Authority or OPA) has identified supply needs for the Northwest, which can be met with additional transmission or generation. The IESO analyzed these alternatives and recommended expansion of the East-West Tie based on technical, economic and other considerations. The East-West Tie was included as a priority Project in the Government of Ontario’s 2010 Long Term Energy Plan. On August 7, 2013 NextBridge Infrastructure (NextBridge) was designated by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to develop the EWT line and to file a Leave to Construct (LTC) application. NextBridge, the proponent for the Project, is committed to consulting with all interested community members, First Nations and Métis, elected officials and municipal staff, agencies, landowners and other stakeholders in a clear and mutually respectful manner throughout the life of the Project.


Please click the link below for information on Open Houses about the project

Open Houses

If you have any questions about the project please contact us by phone 807-623-4635 or by email Consultation@rsmin.ca