Red Sky Métis Independent Nation in collaboration with Parks Canada exciting announcement.

Red Sky Métis Independent Nation (RSMIN) is excited to share the soft launch of this educational and historical project: “Meet the Métis of Northern Ontario Past and Present”.

For full details about this exciting announcement click on “Read More”.

RSMIN has endeavored to tell our history in schools for over 30 years.  Today is a proud day for RSMIN with the announcement that our history project in partnership with Parks Canada has launched.  This project is intended to share our history at Parks within northern Ontario, as well as in the school curriculum. It has been part of our mandate since inception to ensure the Métis peoples’ true stories be told, and to become part of school curriculum.

In collaboration with Parks Canada, RSMIN has produced an educational resource for grades 5 and 6 classrooms, which can now be found on the Parks Canada School Programs webpage added as the Stories around the fire StoryMap. Included is the link to a Google Drive for downloading the unit and lesson plans.

Click on the Stories around the fire StoryMap to learn how and why Métis ancestors came to northern Ontario, the significance of northern Ontario places to Métis, and their history.

Teachers are invited to use the lesson plans found here: Lesson Plans in their classrooms alongside the StoryMap.

RSMIN hopes this is only the beginning of many more of Red Sky Métis Independent Nation’s stories to be shared around the fire. In the meantime, we encourage ALL ages to explore this StoryMap and learn more about Métis History.